Then in a later dream I was in a different place and suddenly felt that little brown winged ants poured into the room. I told the other person who was with me that we should get an aerosol. Went to a shop which reminded me of the atmosphere my mother's home had and it clearly showed that it was a small shop in the house of the owner. As I said I want aerosol against ants he told me
> You absolute fool. I got a shipment of 6500 ant sprays 2 days ago but I sold all of them. If you came a day earlier you could have bought one.
He told me in such a tone it instantly pissed me off and the next scene was that he was tied to a pillar and I was slowly placing matches in a formation around a gas stove in a way that the flame of the stove was not igniting it but the mere heat makes it catch on fire. As I exited from the house of this extremely annoying and self conceited shopkeeper knowing it will burn down I woke up. Was wondering wtf was that about. I never ever acted upon my cruelty this easily.
Realized it was the "autocurse" part of my mind that uses elaborate ways to get rid of people I have problems with.
Was wondering if it was the queens doing because she has ways of drawing out my anger. She told me I am a "servant of the forgotten flame" and that is why some demons either fear me or are fascinated by that in the past. Then learned later thanks to Trypper's weird astral entity book that I had access to an entity called the "firestarter" in the long past. Guess some aspect of that truth is trying to manifest again.
Also ants appeared in my room again and we got a new fire stove that we just installed today so the dream was maybe a premonition about that and nothing more special. At least it made me realize I have an irrational hate towards bugs and that is the main reason I am not willing to meditate outside. Even tho I know nowadays that proper energy formations make them stay away and only fly into my face when I have hectic energy flows. Bugs are too dependent on vibrations and energies and they cannot help that they react to it. They are just that simple.