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>>/8148/ > That's good. That was one of your worst attachment and hindered the development and connection with your sisters. mhmm.. ive been gaming a bit more often instead of wasting time like that > They are sometimes "tantric" but not the sex and movement version but the "surgical". Can you describe what you have seen. I can get flashes of violence but not the actual energy flow. well, there were two men, one was one hospital bed, the other one towering above the man started slashing very quickly and precisely with a sword, so it left multiple tiny yet precise cuts all over his body. then a few days ago i witnessed some anthromoprhic furry cretures fighting each other (think like motaro and goro from mortal kombat but more varied) they were constantly fight each other but proceeded to rip each others arms apart > You have to learn to merge with her. You still consider yourself "different" and still not "One" and the same. i mentioned it before i believe and she said me becoming her/us becoming and the same is inevitable, that it doesnt matter if i resist or not because its going to happen no matter what, just like that black seed thing i mentioned months ago (obviously she prefers me to "give in" and accept it but still). she also said that she would "eat and tear down the barriers preventing this" as i mentioned here >>/8043/ > Your mindstates are merging. When you sleep your body goes through all your mental states as a "maintenance" and now you are unplugging and replugging parts of your brain into your "new mind" I recall a specific person, apart from my sisters telling me that and that my vibrations were becoming similar to hers and my sisters. so the merge is gradually happening i guess > Try to understand how it's merging and not exactly an "overwrite" so you don't become a "slave" to your "other mind" but "one with it" ahh i see > It means you are not dismissing your sisters with SORRY I HAVE TO SHITPOST ON THE INTERWEBZ SEEYOULATERZ subconsciously all the time then they watch you from the corner while you make the most abhorrent posts for hours until you calm down again so they can find a chance to interact with you again. Took me time to understand why they were so impatient and "yandere" with you. This was one of the main reason. Yeah, they're still yandere but its not over that anymore so its good. they also gave me permission to be with a friend in the future when i merge/incarnate/return to being my true self in the future too! said friend was the who helped me reawakened and such to them years and they are very thankful towards them so its nice