thumbnail of mining handeld.png
thumbnail of mining handeld.png
mining handeld png
(7.99 KB, 417x486)
Capturing and selling enemy resources on the federation market has worked before, so I tried it again. This time instructing Kit to confiscate anything used by the evil control system still left on the Earth. Kit works fast and the dimensions out there move in different time, so I didn't even notice the process. I suddenly had a beast-cat with black/blueish fur next to me. At the time I was busy with some other stuff so I didn't start any deeper interaction, I only knew Kit got this cat person from the trade.

Now I remembered and looked, turns out I got a large mining style ship and one from their population. The purpose for this according to Kit was to gain access to their technology system. They have a handheld version of the mining technology using number control, which is common in the federation. The difference with this is that they can also control their own mindset using the handheld device, setting their minds in a certain mode for different activities.

This definitely seems useful.