thumbnail of ハズレ枠の【状態異常スキル】で最強になった俺がすべてを蹂躙するまで.jpg
thumbnail of ハズレ枠の【状態異常スキル】で最強になった俺がすべてを蹂躙するまで.jpg
ハズレ枠... jpg
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thumbnail of The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army Was a Human, 魔王軍最強の魔術師は人間だった.png
thumbnail of The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army Was a Human, 魔王軍最強の魔術師は人間だった.png
The... png
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Creativity is flowing this season too ;P

Not saying it's bad, just very conventional...