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It's possible we just encountered these yesterday.

Anon with the abilities spotted a strange "bird" outside Chile and it instantly skipped over to the sea south west of Australia. Upon investigation it appeared to be an unusual aircraft. It looked like a normal craft although for a jet it was long and narrow with rather long wings. It moved very fast, and could skip across the planet almost instantly.

Onboard were found various NWO leaders. They refused to talk and were handed over to FSB for further investigation.

Following this was discovered a pyramid shaped UFO. It was populated with humanoids, although their energy revealed orange-brown colour tones associated with a certain type of alien. Most notably seen on the actor presenting the "leaked Illuminati training video".

Further investigation revealed that there were in all 5 of these pyramid UFOs, staying on Earth leylines. When discovered, they started almost-intant jumping to other high energy spots.

After some coordination, two of the pyramids were captured by us, two by Russia and one by China. It appears they were housing NWO leaders and serving as military facilities. They were also used to directly manipulate lower awareness aliens of the insectoid type to attack people on the planet surface, using "hivemind greys" as proxy soldiers.

Moreover, it seems the idea of aliens bringing salvation, entertained in the new age community, couldn't be further from the truth. The reality of the matter is rather that aliens created the illuminati slave system, they are the real oppressors. Hoping for alien intervention is like hoping that the government who oppressed you will bring you justice. It's very foolish, but exactly how they want you to think. Without alien interference, humans would live free with no oppression from governments, no wars, no social control. Crime may not even exist. It's all created to motivate the alien take-over by saying "look at these beasts, they can't handle themselves, isn't it right for us to control them?"

No, we will not tolerate this.