I'll just mention it.
This is a high skill thing so no further instructions: The pyramid ship used by the NWO was fully reverse engineered. Its technology isn't "globohomo" by nature, it's the racial cultural technology of a certain type of very human looking alien. You couldn't tell them apart physically, but their energy is dark orange and black and they have a certain power in their way of speech.
There is a module for it on the blacknet freely available, you can use it to manifest your own pyramid ship. Because of its size you are not allowed to freely keep it within the Earth sphere, you need a permit from Gensokyo and the federation. If you just want to use it out in space you can do as you like, but if you want to enter in here you need to contact Yuuka and sign a contract, then follow the rules and only fly in the designated areas. (Yokai contracts have the power to force you do obey it, you cannot breach it and get away, you simply cannot disobey it.)
The pyramid is large with many rooms and a large storage in the bottom. It has a powerful defense system with a ray gun firing a black energy as well as shields, but it's not an invincible construct. Their weakness is that you are not meant to try and attack it. It's not meant for being directly involved in conflicts, rather it's a combined HQ, bunker and planetary management unit intended to fly high up and hide in timelines where it can't be reached, then instantly teleport away if exposed.
However, just to place it on the scale, once found out, it was enough with the first original Raid combined with Astra to capture it, its defense system was paper thin compared to the Illuminati bases under ground and in north American mountains. It has strong radiation defense though.
If you want your own HQ/mind control antenna, then it's now available. If you don't know how to create things from a disc, this isn't for you in the first place.