Oh my.

Large changes taking place again, and quick responses were needed. I called a mass session using various contacts including the mega temple and also sent invites via servitors to any associates from here.

At the mega temple only an old demon queen appeared because apparently everyone else felt this was "too warhammer 40k" in style and they felt it wasn't for them. I think I did get some people from here in at least.

The Earth was originally an artificial super nova created by various aliens to burn off negative energy. This story has been told. They failed to get rid of it and what remained turned into a ball of their own karma, now manifested as minerals. A creator god made it into a planet, and then those who had deposited their karmic substances in this ball had to come here and incarnate, slowly wearing away on the Earth which is literally their own shadow.

They wanted to activate various energy systems to move the karma they kept creating away from this ball to again perform the same procedure, which lead to a number of failed suns, forming the other planets of our solar system. This is why "working with the planets" became a thing, many being had parts of their souls entangled in them, as well as in the Earth beneath their feet.

So with the Ascension process now in effect, that old mineral under our feet must be removed, and the procedure had to be finished either way, but in our way, not theirs. The masonic "great work" for these beings simply means to again deposit the rotten parts of themselves into celestial bodies, to repeat until every single fragment of their soul is spread out as mineral in various space rocks. Then they'd just sit there in hopeless despair waiting for the galactic federation mining industry to hack them to bits in a million years when they finally reach our parts of the galaxy.

Excellent plan.

I had a better idea which is to perform a decent mass session and just burn it up at once, in the process allowing everyone to create their own sun process for the planet.