We are now seeing the later stages of this karmic effect playing out:
The western armies are being de-armed, with all of their weapons having been destroyed in Ukraine. They cannot recruit people to their armies except for disloyal immigrants, women, gays, transsexuals and people who have no place in an army.
They are forced to expand the European Union because the negative effect on the economy is still wearing them down, making them lose capital with every move. China is now starting to make their way into Europe, building local factories to avoid any import tolls, while tiktok is frying the brains of western youth.
The jewish scapegoat is losing all its credibility, with an estimated 180 000 killed civilians in Gaza, making this a US funded genocide. All the while their demented president is making a fool out of them and "democracy" for everyone to see.
And they are still trying to fight against the karmic force, making it worse again and again.