thumbnail of No Longer Allowed In Another World,異世界失格.png
thumbnail of No Longer Allowed In Another World,異世界失格.png
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I was just about to make a post about the consecutive event, when I saw this new anime posted. Heh...

A little while ago I saw a black disc astrally and was told by Kit that it was the remaining ancient karma stored in the old Earth construct, and while watching, it was reduced. Holes appeared in it as the easterners were firing on the remaining globohomos, until the thing within minutes was complete dissolved. There was som interaction between Gensokyo and the federation, after which they did a coordinated dimension clean up. Looking at the situation now, there is a black layer nearest, and a red one beyond. Those are blacknet and the federation, both look like knitted blankets. There are also similar cloths in other colours which are individual existences. The murder fairies from the park had an orange-brown cloth, and I saw a white and a light blue one as well.

There was also a detachment of old ways of thinking and a clean up of old body structures. I was told by a yokai that human bodies will be fixed up now, because everyone following ritual will have their aging stopped, and it will max at 1000 years for those who do not practice beyond human level, for others it can increase, but this will work like the vampire threshold, if you make it past you pass that limit, otherwise not. Being chaotic will reduce your lifetime unless you passed the threshold, so before that everyone should aim to follow ritual.

Current mind structures will remain in place as they are, but the contents will be replaced. So where you previously found idiotic NPCs they will still be NPCs but not annoying, the energy will be good, but the same pipes will be used to distribute it, it will change gradually.

I was not told how the world will change, beyond the simple conclusion that "if we leave the zombies be as they are, they are all dead in 70 years so you still have 930 without them even if you don't pass the threshold, this should be enough, yes?"