They've lied too many times. This feels like the last straw here, my brain just shuts it out. This latest media narrative, it just doesn't matter anymore what they say, I just don't believe in it, and I won't listen to or look at any "evidence", because I know they are arguing in bad faith. It's at the point when I don't even care if they are factually right about something, because their narrative and goal is still against truth, reality and my own values.

A single true point used to support an evil outcome is still just that, by your position I know if you are right or wrong from the standpoint of my values. 

They are not going to change their view based on facts, because they reject facts when it suits them, they lie when presented with facts constantly, as if that would make their disgusting values acceptable. Then they think someone will believe in the things they present as real, and base some position on that. It won't happen. It's all positioning with no basis in reality.

There is probably no one left to hear this, but if there is, I'll just say to them: you fucked up big time, you lied one too many times, all your statements are now rejected as false no matter if they can be "proven" or not.

The story of the boy who cried "wolf" comes to mind.