Earlier it was said that one cannot be a black vampire. This says something about the relation between different physical and astral types of magic. The bottom here is the orc. Orcs evolve to be white skinned male demon lords, who create white skinned females. Or they evolve to become "space African" Queens who create both male and female races of Voodo practitioners. But the black males cannot ascend in that form, they are only there for the physical race to function, they need to evolve sideways to white demon lord astrally.

Demons are sideways on the chaos scale from vampires and angels, they ascend vertically on a similar path but do not cross the angel/vampire paths. The black queens of Voodo also have their own separate path, because they are all-female, they do not cross with demons or vampires who have both sexes. From one perspective they are female-supremacist extremists. This is why black males in the physical tend to act out and no one cares about them, they are the foot soldiers of the Queens, nothing more. The 6 black male "gods of Africa" were for this reason just spiritual degenerates, and that is why they were weeded out pretty early in the Earth ascension process, along with the "chink gods" dealt with by double sig run anon, if anyone recalls him from mewch. Although they are not here now, many people did their part in the process before leaving this group.