I did some research with Astra on the past usage of this "truck of death" ray weapon to see who it had been used on. Their technological method for creating this weapon of ultimate evil restricted it to be used once daily, so they could only kill 365 people per year, which means they must have had a strict priority doctrine for its use. 


Gandhi was a target. He was murdered, but late in the process. This is because he was very selfless and synced with the India egregore. The result was that India was destroyed, causing it to split into what we today know as India and Pakistan. Gandhi is quoted to have said that this was "a vivisection of the nation".

It was used on Kennedy. CIA carried it out down here, but the reason it worked was that he was a target of the death ray. He was not part of some large egregore and this was a "surgical" hit.

More recently they used it on Donald Trump, but he was too synced with the will of the people, so they instead destroyed "democracy". There have been multiple attempts at memeing that he will be assassinated. This has been stopped using supernatural means.

The same is true for Elon Musk. He is too powerful and not a slave to the globohomo, but he is also protected. They somehow misfired and hit some other large egregore here, possibly the "egregore of engineering in the USA" which may explain why Boeing is failing along with a lot of other insane mishaps. (I tried viewing it but the situation is such a mess I can't tell what was destroyed.)

They have also used it on Putin, but he is also supernaturally protected, and a representative of the KGB. This is the human layer of a major galactic federation faction, its egregore cannot be destroyed using a death ray of negative energy, no matter how powerful they made it. The large factions of the federation have the resources of 1000s of planets and all their populations, along with the astral immortals higher up. They will just block the effect and find a way to arrest the attacker, then they will be made to work off the debt in the mines. This is playing out right now, where it seems my own actions are channelling this intent, even if I was not aware of it as I started this latest project.

(The people who carried out this attack on the federation are organized in layers where their level of evil increases for every layer. The latest group taken down were sent to work 6 million years in a "hell mine" under ground on a planet where the surface has a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius and there is zero chance to escape until their debt is gone. I was told to expect even worse criminals ahead. A previous group had so large karma that it formed an internal body on a smaller fire planet and they attempted to rebel against the repayment plan. They had to be split up so that only one of them was placed on every planet to make sure they couldn't unite their evil energy into a local resistance and cause trouble. The federation doesn't fuck around with this, so the following groups will be isolated and placed in the deepest mines of the absolutely worst planets where even moving outside of the mining tunnels leads to instant death from the heat, after which they are just reborn again on the same planet.)