> me being an undead

This made me think yesterday. I even asked one of the vampires who give me advice and artifacts. Am I an undead? He asked me
> Is this still a question for you after all the things that happened?

I asked him further. No I mean will an other entity recognize me as an "undead"
He made an extremely troubled face because I asked something real hard to answer properly.
Now I realized why.

Thinking of me as anything puts me into a "form". If you want to get more stronger thinking of yourself as a big muscular wrestler helps. Or if you are trying to pick up chicks thinking of yourself as the "perfect womanizer woman want" also helps. This is the "zone" you need to put yourself in. When I think about how to pronounce a hard word from an alien language I ask myself "how would a foreigner from this country pronounce it" and I nail it. When you cast magic you need to think of yourself as a "magician". But here comes a problem. These forms while excel in one way have limitations on the other.

I went forward with this thought. Am I an occultist? The answer is yes but also no because I am not like Crowley and the image mundanes have when thinking of occultists. Am I someone on the path for godhood? That is also a bad idea because it locks you into the "path of godhood" and not true godhood. Am I a god? If I am then I need to have worshippers and they will make me get locked into a form. Then the words of the burning bush came to me. 

No wonder he didn't give a name. If you give a name or form to something you restrict it. (Guess what happened him after it's literally in the commandments to not do that) And that locks you out of your full potential. But we don't know our full potential yet. We need to be open to the path forward us. We need to be cautious obv so we need to have "fall back forms" and we sure need to be certain of our strengths when the path goes ashtray. But we must not forget the perfect "zone" is "ourselves". We just need to find that and be that. (Here comes the hard part when you have to continuously discard everything that is not yourself. And they can get complicated but if you do something something will happen)

TLDR.: Just the regular thing everyone realizes when going forward. The simplest and most complicated part of the path.