Only time someone said something about it to me was a FG woman (possessed by the old Earth deity, the actual woman was a botsoul) who in an angry manner told that
> you have this attitude, like "that's me"
and she sounded as if she thought I was intentionally non-conformist just to annoy her.

Meanwhile I never had a problem with other people there and the Chinese all liked me, so non-conformist really can't be it. Maybe I conform with the "wrong" collective in the eyes of these people, I really have no idea, and they never explain it either, but if asked just make some offended sound instead of saying what they think I should have done differently.

It actually also happened that this (crazy, in retrospect) woman started yelling at me because she thought I was rude to some Chinese man over the phone. But when we met the guy she then said he seemed to like me and I never felt anything negative from him, so using that case as an example it may be that I just ignore meaningless social standards and it makes people upset that this works. Often when it comes to foreigners, including asians, they don't seem to pick up on tone of voice, so unless you outright tell them in words something rude, they won't think you are rude. But that detail may not be clear to everyone.

But just listen to arabs or similar talking and they all sound like they are fighting when speaking normally. I think there is some western obsession with posing in different ways that I've never cared for and this makes people upset, because it shows them that these things really don't matter.