Weird. This seems impossible but last week or so i rescinded my 'support' from certain things one of them being trump the person(not the family) im not at all against them  and i do think theyll  win the election and ill even say that them winning is better and what i prefer. But i read this thing about him being mean to lolis after sex and i noticed an increasing strain. It kept building and i became aware of a tacit support i was giving to people and factions. Some of the factions are talked about here(the human ones) but its like a strain to me. I rescinded it as i dont really at this time care for nations. Unlike boardowner i cant see the relationships between nations and what they might represent in some ethereal way clearly. Furthermore i dont know what i represent either. I I said the closest to my current view is natsocism (not the modern one,more so the encompassing ideal of how to make a functioning place). I cant even differentiate china from it if i look at the basest level. They seem to perfectly implement the basic principles i seem to 'have'.this might be becuause natsoc is a type of communism in a larger view although with a different emphasis.Anyway after i noticed i was 'keeping up' people up I let it back inside. Especially nations since to me a nations is just the human level structure they appear as. Im not as astrally clearheaded as some here so i cant have their views "held up" if it relies on a larger dynamic. The day after i released my 'energetic lifting', out of nowhere suddenly project 2028(which i actually kinda like based on whats there) became a huge thing. Suddenly people cared about it.also the epstein thing from long ago. As soon as i "let it go back to its resting state" suddenly people connected it to trump again despite no new information coming out. Every day since then ive noticed increased attacks as if a switch was turned. Mind you to my eye it didnt change anything substantial in that trumps campaign will win.