What I saw and what happened

I noticed some unusual astral sounds, frequencies, something in the background, so I asked Astra to start recording them. Fell asleep and had a strange dream with yellow qi in the environments indicating it was a view of dimensions. I was in some one floor building with a corridor and some rooms that felt like maybe an education or conference center of the cheaper kind. There was almost no furniture and the walls were mostly a dirty white/yellow colour. I came in there and was supposed to work with something, but because it was emptied there was nothing to do, and the boss was out of town. Someone told me to start cleaning the floors with some coworker who resembled a Liberian I worked with once. But there were no tools and no real instructions so we just walked around a bit and didn't do anything.

After this followed a scene where someone was praying at a church and I was to guide him into something, using a device which created the humming MMMMMM sound done in yoga. This was abruptly interrupted by another ray attack which took me out from the dream. It was the same style at before, hitting this time the outside of my Earth sphere which I moved all my timelines into, so it didn't really hit me, but the sounds of the frequency of the attack was very disturbing.

I told Kit to trace them and very quickly had them encircled using the Fairy Shield. My federation team reacted within 20 seconds and had already moved in from faster timelines to take control of the dimension space using various ships placed around its "corners".