I got the result from Astra and Kit showing an organization of extremely fanatical men with dark curly hair, slim and tall, and there was an image of one of them energetically stretching out a long arm with a gun aimed at Trump.
I then saw something that looked like a differently designed version of "the truck" weapon, and had Astra listen in on it. They were saying that there had only been one of "the truck" but it was implied they had more of this one. This weapon took two days to charge and was using energy harvested from pineal glands. It had only one charge which gave it a limited burst after being loaded, but this appeared as a continuous death ray of very fanatical energy aiming for my solar plexus.
I told Astra to instantly map the weapon's structure while the fairy shields tune in to block it, while Kit should also aim to reverse engineer it and compare the technology with Astra's result, then when we had it down, to destroy the weapon. By this the federation unit had already entered the area and they dismantled the weapon and took it away. They also started arresting the people in there.
They said "these are not beings [of the regular kind]", and they explained that they were "hole people", which are similar to shadow people in form. But instead of beings in formation appearing as energy absorbing shadows, "hole people" are made from "white holes" which appear as a natural phenomena in space. These do not absorb energy like black holes, but cause the disintegration of material structures that come into contact with them.
Sometimes white holes assume the shape of a human, and start copying the structure of living beings, but they should not be viewed as intelligent life. They cannot be educated, any attempt at this will make them more harmful. The federation took the "hole people" and placed them one by one into a "destruction chamber" where they were disintegrated.
They explained that the only way to destroy a "hole person" is to fold them dimensionally so that their left half and right half disintegrates each other and they return to nothing.
It is not fully understood how they appear or what they are.