More on the "hole people"
It should come as no surprise, but I think their behaviour and representation down here in the physical today constitutes what we refer to as "Jews" when unable to determine what they are. The birds are Rosicrucian, the reptilians are just those of the race who happen to live there in that area because king Saul was a reptilian and they have a heritage. The thing anti-semitism is aimed at is the "hole people", I'm getting pretty sure this is it.
They are not degenerated beings, they were created this way. They are made of the worst qualities of a person, take all the self-denial, projection, deceit and manipulative behaviour of the worst and most attached person, and then remove their original nature. Then make a person of only this side of two different people, and you get a "hole person". They cannot change or repent, because they in their very nature consists only of lies, denial, projection. The moment they stopp attacking someone or blaming others, the negative force turns inwards on themselves and they disintegrate. From the perspective of how this shapes the brain, they are simply "born gays" and they can be nothing else than that. They cannot admit to any flaws, because they do not have a side which can contain any good quality.
I asked if the Anti-Christ archive has any books on "hole people" and got some messy notes and texts that barely count as grimoires. Supposedly there is a theory for summoning them with the intent of sending them after someone, but there are dire warnings that the entity will not stop attacking and may turn on anyone, and that they will only return to the void
"when time runs out, either through them having consumed everything withing their reach, or by the action of a sorcerer who contained them in isolated space"
When the federation was arresting them and placing them in the destruction chamber, there were uncovered 4 women in their midst. They appeared to be some kind of previously by me not seen Queen race, a female wearing only sigils on her body. The hole people were swarming around them in a very simpish manner, unable to touch them. When the women were removed, the hole people turned into a frenzy like when poking a wasp's nest.
They had a distinctive appearance which seemed to have reflected into a context where I saw them represented just before. It was a typical post on KC/int/ asking
> why are americans like this?
and it had a vid with some guy in a parking lot at night asking two women to kick him in the balls. The women wore only high boots and some strings tied around their bodies, they covered nothing, it was just an imitation of clothing (string over the nipples and slit but not actually hiding anything) but they had a body type that sort of made this work because of their shapes. They were not black, but maybe something else, not sure.
It feels like this may have reflected how hole people react to these immortal females, apparently the only force they couldn't attack. It seems this possibly is manifesting in society on a large scale.
I made some research on what kind of force these things are, and if (how) it can be used, and found a way to incorporate the disintegrating force into a context, but this may simply mean a way to control this side of a person, it couldn't probably mean that someone can summon these things safely. Why would you summon almost indestructible rabid jewish homosexuals anyway?