> the negative force turns inwards on themselves and they disintegrate
Oh I know this one. The "lesson" is here to feel the energy that requires and "creates" the polarity and if your mind is above this duality bound/enforcing thinking you can switch the force that creates energy via abusing polarity (like polarizing a magnet) by a mere intent. It can be a good test to see if your mind and energy is above any systems of duality or you are still employing ways to uphold your personality matrix with dual principles. Real hard to connect some parts of our beings but some beings are so low in "virtue/enlightenment" that they are no brainer to short circuit. There are too many and once they realize you can rip them apart your energy becomes too "menacing" to approach you directly. They feel that something is wrong like a presence of a malfunctioning magnetic electric device.

> I was in some one floor building with a corridor and some rooms that felt like maybe an education or conference center of the cheaper kind
Ohkay this is funny. I remember I had a dream at a similar place like this where there were several world leaders including Trump many defected agents from several agencies and a bunch of messy papers on the table detailing the "Plan" to defeat the not just the NWO but a sort of "system of evil" so to speak. I remember thinking the plan was "not half bad" then went to talk with someone about something else. Wonder if I mentioned it here or just wanted to write it down.

> extremely fanatical men with dark curly hair
Their hair was definitely not curly and these beings are not them for sure. The beings you described are so special that I have hard time even locking at their signature because they are "that low" like below the mud that is below an oil well. How did these beings even find you?

> Why would you summon almost indestructible rabid jewish homosexuals anyway?
Western values or something. Never understood it myself