Well I don't know if you read my earlier posts but I am so bad at it that one of the scariest vampire just threw a wand at me so I can have any idea what the feminine energy is. And because I finally knew how that energy feels I traced that energy in my body and now I express it by "having inner peace"
But I can give you some tips. The most important tip is that: You have to find it for yourself. It differs for everyone.
The others is just the regular. Be kind to others. Be with people who you enjoy the company with. Laugh with them. Enjoy life. Help others (people who deserve it and needs it not destructive scum) Be grateful. etc
It's similar how a wife helps her husband by taking care of the house while the husband is out there "fighting" or working. You need to find the "force" that keeps your "house" in peace. Like how an angry husband comes home but when he sees his wife he forgets all the troubles his workplace had. The nourishing female form that reminds you that you are home.
I was so bad at this like the husband who comes home still burning with rage seeing his house on fire with rats and demons running everywhere and he realizes the fastest way to solve it is with a hatchet and a flamethrower. And this made my feminine force literally hide in the basement for so long I was never even aware of it. I usually decreased my masculine force and let depression overtake me to solve it. But now that I am continuously unlocking myself I couldn't decrease my masculine force and use my depression to slow it down because I cleaned that. So I used the wand which served as a "fire extinguisher" and as I was feeling the calm my "house" usually has I realized my true "feminine" is hiding in the "basement" 
Now that she is out and I feel this "calm" we can properly "clean house" now.

This is still not how I do it tho. 
I just go into the mind of the woman who is meditating and found inner peace. (Also I never meditate for inner peace because it's also a timewaste... what a surprise I am in my current state huh)