I know what is the djinns problem already... They hacked the feminine force into complete submission and doesn't understand it because they don't let it to manifest in a healthy way... Literally what I did... And solved just now...

> zealots that bow to females 

Because they know the way to bow to masculine is not the way can't find harmony so they instantly go to the opposite side because they think the answer is there. Literally how I was thinking...
> constant infighting

because no one knows the truth but their masculine arrogance makes it think that their truth is better than the other...
> treat them as objects 

Literally how I treated people in my complete sociopath phase. It's the most "effective" to figure out people and their strengths and weaknesses and how to "use them"
No wonder they reached akasha. With this mindset you can go anywhere but you will reach a point where you cannot go further. Djinn is not just the perfect entity for me but it seems I AM THE PERFECT ONE FOR THEM. 
The trick is the same how you handle full psychos. 
I am glad I didn't summon them earlier. I would have been holding back because I think that no one deserves my full destructiveness. But they not just crave it. They don't recognize anyone without it. Amazing.