Remember when I mentioned the "Bosnian Pyramids"? Guess I will share what I found there too because it's quite related. The "Bosnian Pyramid" is a regular mountain but was weird how it gained such traction in spiritual spheres and I realized this is just an "invitational concept" that tries to merge with your "known concepts" so you can unzip and evolve it into the "real thing" once you can let go from the "example" concept.
As I went into it further I found several hill formations and a lake. The lake had 2 large "shadow pyramids". Was thinking maybe I have to submerge into the lake and that will be the entrance into the other dimension. Nope the lake was just a lake. I had to "merge" with the 2 shadow pyramids. As it happened a new dimensional layer appeared and several pyramids started to rise and all of them had colorful orbs within them and as the "pyramids" rose above the orbs started to emit a vibrational light. As I stared into the orbs I realized they have a frequency and they are slowly "talking" as I let my mind go into the bewitched trance that they require... then I got bored because this was clearly some old ass system that some fucks are misusing but now that I am on this level they cannot use it against me and I realized if I go further I will learn some mindfuck truth that I cannot share anywhere because it's so obscure. If my mind cannot sync to an information within 2 seconds it usually means it's better to leave it until my interests return. I realized compatibility issues generate too many misconceptions already and it's not worth it until my mind evolves into a better state.
What I gathered so far that it is an old system that "guides the people" so they migrate to "powerspots" where they can live in harmony with the landmarks (also it controls volcanic activity to a degree?) but the "trench system" weaponized it so they can make europe into an economic "warzone" of sorts. It was supposed to make people generate prosperity but some fucks realized that "war" can generate more prosperity "somehow". Once the trenches were gone I realized I don't have the curiosity to hear the entire "lore" behind something that only "talks" via "hypnotizing you". Maybe later I will find an another inspiration. Those "pyramids" are extremely specific places on earth but I have no idea which is which and who uses them at all. "Glowies" are a too blanket term and they mostly consider me persona no grata and they have to respect my individual freedom to a degree because the weird way they handle their "contracts" but truth is I don't know anymore. Noticed that there are many lower spirits that align themselves with the "largest bully" or with those who have a semblance of authority and care about nothing else.I am not sure what is and isn't a glowie anymore because most of these spirits are quite easy to "sway" and discipline. They don't really have any staying power or morals. They feel like children who are slowly running out of the effects of a sugarrush.
> I'm making this a permanent section of my infernal camp now.
For some reason I thought you have things like this already because it is your "thing" by the description of your past life activities.