I don't believe in accelerationism or other similar "tactics" where you put yourself at a disadvantage.

its even in that image "we can't lose" yes you can,this is the one single biggest weakness white people have. A weird type of arrogance.Had whites known they could have lost what they already have they wouldn't have supported immigration at any cost.There's also these retarded Machiavellian plays. Same about any white elite that thinks replacing the lower classes with idiots will help them eventually. elites are only possible because of a people. The stronger a group the wealthier an "elite" class can feasibly be.its only 'reversed' to these people because they haven't cultivated an intra-ethnic sympathy which is needed if you aren't the only country in the world.it's unironically "class warfare" in a stupid way. One of the only things lefties are kinda right about.that in itself is not a white thing though.the naivety thing just makes it more dangerous. same thing with people on reddit laughing at the idea of England becoming muslim. its as if they don't get that trends continue into the future and can even heighten.

It reminds me of how people think chess master do these machiavlian psychological tricks which they sometimes do to a small degree but really they evaluate the position of the board and will never weaken their position even temporarily hoping the enemy is too flustered by the bizarre play to make the right move. Even when even when they do its still like 80 percent a calculated positional play where its just a good move regardless.