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But consider this; is it really a disadvantage?

Let's put some things in words in a simple way.

If we now have a dumb white worker class and an even dumber white middle class, who think themselves invincible because they are white forever. So they out of a perceived benevolence invite the lowest class scum from other countries to live with them, thinking that they will then get to see the white role model and adapt to it by living in this environment. So they do what is happening now, while kicking their own kids out on the streets thinking "it's good for them", when in reality they just live in tents and become drug addicts and die at 30. When this happens, they just blame "crime" and "lack of effort" and think nothing of their own actions, because as white people everything they do is perfect.

They do hear the criticism and the white guilt stuff, but they think it doesn't apply to them, but to some historical evil minority who owned slaves, who are now represented by evil incels and Trump. So in their smug superiority they have no problem going along with the criticism, it's not about themselves after all.

If this is allowed to continue, they will have ruined the chances of their next generations, who now either are homeless, mixed race or just white trash addicts with no future, and the people who did this will just sit in their McMansions and then die thinking they did a good deed for the world.

So their effect on the world right now is negative. It's the worst outcome.

So let's say Trump wins a second time, the evil incels and slave owners get another 4 years. The smug middle class will be fanatical in their resistance to this outrageous revival of evil. They will work even harder to import the lowest possible dregs from other countries, whip their own kids even harder to make them fail, and then think that after all, they did their best to fight this evil, and then they'll die happy that they served goodness and the white race.

Isn't this fully possible? Even likely?

What the accelerationists suggest is a hard wake up for these smug (actually) white supremacists who think anything they do is perfect. Instead of letting them live their lives thinking they did good, let their gated communities be flooded with gangs, violence, crime, let them be robbed and humiliated, their houses burned down. Then when they are homeless on the streets, spit them in the face for being white, step on them, after all they deserve all this. That's how the globohomo will act.

Will they at this point realize what they have done, and become angry at those who lied to them? Or will they blame themselves for being white? It's unlikely they will see a fault within themselves, these people see themselves as perfect. There's a chance they will just kill themselves at this point, because the cognitive dissonance becomes to great. But at least that ends the problem faster than letting them be, doesn't it?

I think this is the reasoning behind it.