When north Americans said "whites" this or that, I always replied with "There are no whites, this is only a categorization you can do in America, in Europe we see that the differences are huge in between nations, and there is no unity created from being 'white'. Rather we are fighting evil ideologies and it doesn't matter what skin colour the feminist has, she's the enemy because of her mentality." 

Somehow, they've maintained the idea of being pro or anti white even in Ukraine, where it's literally white people killing white people. But "those over there" on /pol/ and /int/ seems to think that either side is black by proxy because of who they align with. So one day Ukrainians are white because Azov, next time they are "hohol" because they are Jews. And Russians are either non-white because they "behave like niggers", because they can dance or because Putin isn't anti-semitic. It's a pseudo argument driven to extreme abstractions here, because they are trying to shoehorn every conflict into this artificial white vs non-white framework.

That's why I wouldn't touch the subject earlier. 

But now after my own mapping of the races and their origins, seeing the main outlay of it, it's possible to talk about what "white" means in various contexts, and why some of them are so fucking dumb.

I don't personally think they will ever wake up, and that's ignoring that most of them don't have souls anymore, so they just can't anyway. When I talked to greys about my own country being very indoctrinated by the negative form of the mammoth, the galactic federation's shadow form, they said something which made it sound like they didn't believe people here could escape this society at all. They literally said people with this mindwave are unsalvageable.

I asked why, and they said it's because the brainwashing is so deep, it overwrites their real thinking and their way of understanding history and their own past. Plus that there are 5 eyes spies everywhere, and they have infiltrated society to such a degree that they have made the economy non-functional. The reason for this is that spies need to be nestled into a "hive" where they can blend in. But they are an unorganic element put there, so they stand out. To protect the spies, they need to artificially maintain a social structure around with a variety of people so that the spy looks like "just one of a diverse group" rather than being "that odd guy who suddenly moved into our neighbourhood". But this works very badly in a society where most people in the countryside and in smaller towns have lived there for minimum 6 generations and are intermarried in such ways that you can never talk about someone anywhere, without the people around you knowing them, and telling them that you were talking about them. Spies can't operate in this setting, everyone would notice them and they would be the talk of the town. So that's why they need immigration and to move people around. It works in cities, but now it doesn't work very well anymore, because gangs have taken over suburbs and they keep track of the movements of absolutely everyone.