If anything foreigners get away with things like rape.Brittain had muslin run rape rings which they didnt want to do anything about, yes probably elites were involved but the idea was that it was somehow wrong to judge them by the same standards.I think there's this naive almost view people have and i don't know why. As if whites need to be absolutely perfect to be better in any metric. Ofcourse whites rape,kill and anything else. Literally all humans do.It's just that often when its not a white person suddenly its wrong to punish them.also i know for a fact ive seen more harassment coming from muslims than anything else, on top of that most muslims i see drinking and sleeping around anyway.they aren't even muslim really so its okay regardless if you care about islam.My sister was almost kidnapped by a few as well. mind you there not many muslims where i live compared to white people and this was doubly true back then. They really have been like what you see in the videos and the media and in fact its if anything not talked about to the same degree. ofcourse looking at white nationalist won't talk of white on white crime and they have a bias but so do any group.muslims slaughter people all the time. If things where truly equal there would be the same thing happening in response, there really isn't as far as i can tell. European military doesn't count since they aren't fighting for whites at all. eu are globohomo and they hate "white nationalism" .The fbi even considers "white nationalism" the primary threat to itself. The whites that are allied with muslims also support lbgt and trannies.That to me is evil. I think whites like muslims because they have mentally "outsourced" there capacity for violence towards muslims. they are okay with muslim violence to a higher degree then if whites acted the same because of a sort of repressed admiration.