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There's this misconception relating to anon's (lack of) ability to discern posters, and poster patterns. 

I early on created the "kemono friends poster" character, and that was what I used on all altchans from the beginning. It was part of a movement at the time, and made it easy to uphold post flow. I never created a new or secondary character until this year, when the distance to that social current had been thinned out, and kemono friends had become irrelevant as a reference. I started working on it during last year, but only started testing it this current year, for later introduction. The purpose of this was to widen the range of the expression so that I can talk about more things and still remain in-character.

I think I need to make clear, that I was still using this character all the while before, any lore relating to these threads was a collective /fringe/ creation. I think it's an indication that the first vampire thread on here was made by someone else, it's self propelled, unlike the sunflower generals and board theme threads like the blog, which I've created and maintained.

There was a need for a movement, I acted on that by creating a few thread OPs on /fringe/, but after that it was a self-playing piano, I just went along with what the egregore demanded.

For some reason there's this fixation among some anons about "who did what" and attributing way too many occurrences to certain personas. Smiley was thought to be behind all kinds of things, if the rumours were to be believed, he'd have been a frequent poster at ~26 different boards (this is what anon said), controlling the drama on every one of them.

In the beginning I was called out for being Smiley, anon told me he "felt" he was arguing with Smiley when he was talking to me. What's the point of having anonymous interactions if you are to always try to find out who you are talking to? No, you don't have to answer, it was a rhetorical question, this is just a blog rant post.

I'm only trying to inspire change within anon, self reflection and inner development. Yet these things keep surfacing, focusing "me" rather than what I said, focusing on "proof" of metaphysical concept to be provided by someone else, rather than striving to find the evidence within yourself and through you own work. It's all very strange to me, why anon would start reading, then posting, on a board labeled as "esoteric" if this is not what he is after. It seems at this point like intentional sabotage. Maybe these are just the opposing forces we all face when trying to improve.