> Evil spirits will be upset when someone calls them out for what they are doing, of course. Am I talking to one of them now?
See, this is the issue. First of all, the function of an imageboard should be to talk to your fellow human beings as equals. If you start using these places as a channeling tool to deliver threats to spirits, things quickly devolve into an /ng/-tier quagmire that most people just aren't willing to wade through. Secondly, I don't know if you're fully aware of this or not, but what you posted just now was essentially a threat of magical violence directed at me. The phrasing was a subtle, but it's there. I know you'll probably say "oh, it was just directed at the spirit acting through you", but we're all just spirits living in bodies here. You keep stabbing at the parts of other people that offend you, and eventually you might hit something vital. I remember you did the same thing on /fringe/, something about how you implied that a group of greys or some other alien was acting through someone in the thread and how you were going to mercilessly exterminate it. What if a neophyte who had a synergy or experience with greys happened upon that thread? He would of course assume you were talking about him. Anyone who doesn't have the capacity for magical self-defense is going to be scared off right quick by the sort of talk. It's destructive to the sort of spirit that an open discussion (as in a 'think tank', the original mission statement of this place, I believe?) requires.

Anyway, if you want to browbeat spirits there's a lot of better channeling methods to deliver your threats than this place. That's all I wanted to say.

No wait hold on
You need to understand this.
If no one on /sunflower/ disagreed with you, this place would have no function. THE PURPOSE OF DISCOURSE IS TO DISAGREE WITH PEOPLE.
That's all.