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This is becoming more like a /meta/ now but as long as it works to relax the other parts, that's ok.

This board here is not /fringe/ for a reason. There was an initial argument on this at 8kun because /fringe/ was at the time "dead" so anon wanted to migrate to /sunflower/ and continue with the same things there.

This board came from a social current connected more to /x/ and the hippie/UFO side as well as the succubus and satanism online groups. This was a kind of overlapping current already at the turn of the millenium, when Varg was mostly known as "the count" or "count pigneck" in Norwegian, everyone knew he was the organizer behind a pagan black metal movement which burned down 53 churches in Norway in the early 1990s. It's quite ironic that /pol/ sometimes thinks he's advocating for traditional christian values. He declared war on christianity and acted on it.

The other half came from an international UFO/grey fan group, in lack of a better term. Hippies organizing yoga events, or things like the "rainbow gathering"
(not to be confused with other uses of the rainbow symbolism)
which seeks some kind of enlightenment and social transformation by connecting with aliens. This movement congregated also on Ashtar Command, which at the time was a hub for information which everyone referred to in early blogging days, when Wordpress was still new and people actually used it (before they paywalled everything).
Ashtar command remains here:
and is generally seen as a Galactic Federation center.

Early Ashtar Command had strict rules; one of them being that criticism was not allowed under any circumstances. 

This was to encourage posters to contribute with their own ideas rather than attacking others. If you don't like something, just say what you want things to be like instead. Don't attack others.

This was something I wanted to bring to /sunflower/ without having to make as strict rule. That's why it was made to feel more like a blog, where you can express yourself without having to fear criticism or attacks. This is meant to support creativity and a positive attitude of everyone contributing with their own things, rather than finding faults with others.

It may be difficult to do this on an imageboard, but social currents can have the effect of changing how we think and act, so it can work.