Now for the point here which Bernd made a thread about: Why does the west have a structure with layers, while Russia is just a small elite and then on large layer of poors?

It's because Russia isn't a reflection of a "Queen hive".

That's all there is to it. There is no hidden thing in the center, no core to circulate around. There was something I noticed during some telepathic connections with some people who may be called Russian nobility; they have an attitude not found elsewhere. I have not come into contact with it anywhere at all. For the western "elites" if they are American, they have no mental sharpness at all, they're just managers appointed as goal keepers for an operation they don't understand. Further in are hives of aliens, or if in that part of the country, vampires. The dumber and more blackmail-able they are, the better. They are only there because they can be disposed of easily. The simp system hates potency, because they can't fight what they lack. The best they can do is to ignore competent people and hope they don't get too much attention.

European elites have a inherited arrogance combined with "spoiled brat" mentality where they waste resources because they can. This doesn't happen in America, where the mentality is not understood. They rely too much on monetary power so they can't behave like Europeans. There was some finnish man who got mad that replacing the battery in his Tesla would cost more than half the prices of a new car, so he instead set the car on fire and posted it on social media. American commenters said things like "why would you destroy an asset, why not sell the car even if it has no battery?"

I don't know about you, but I feel this way too, I wouldn't sell some crap I bought and didn't like, because that would feel like humiliating myself, I would rather destroy and throw it away. I recall locally a small business was closing, and they held a sale of the inventory. I overheard talking about this, how few people in town could understand why they'd do this, and how it must mean they had so much debt that they'd be forced to. In reality they just wanted to get rid of the stuff and hoped someone would buy it so they didn't have to take it to the dumpster themselves. But the thinking that selling used stuff is shameful is very strong.