Now for the Russian elite mentality.

It's hard to notice because so few have it, but those that do, have a refined version which must be very difficult to create. It's not anywhere near the European arrogance or spoiled brat mentality where you think yourself better than others. I know about someone like this who lives on an old estate and thinks themselves so much better than others that their facial expression has turned into a mask of "hmp, I'm not looking at you". There are also others openly bragging about their money, and others are crawling before them to try and get a share.

This behaviour, from what I get, and was told, would result in the person having an "accident" in Russia. That's one reason they are invisible. But not even Putin himself has this strongly refined mentality, it seems to be more a thing for women. It's an attitude and mentality of not expressing anything, no opinion about oneself or others, no arrogance, but instead just a strong expectation that they will get what they want. Just touching their mind will make it so clear that you can't argue with them, that it will shut down your thinking, if anything like that existed. You will just give them what they want and say nothing. It's so solid that there is zero hesitation in your reaction either, it's not a matter of submission, as that involves a process. This is lacking. There is no emotion, no self image.

I realized I have to make use of this, somehow learn how to do this, as this would instantly shut down any glowies, physical or astral. This is also the reason why I felt from the beginning that there is no way they can lose. If you can create this refined certainty, it will just burn through any opposition, it cannot exist.