Also, I did a research retreat with my Anti-Christ librarian and then held a mega-session to sacrifice the remaining "external armed forces" which had surrounded a Queen hive. The Queen Illivryn showed me it in the clouds, how that group is the last thing remaining which is still feeding the war in Ukraine.
This was when I realized I need to make use of, and learn how to assume, this elite mentality of just blindly assuming I will have things my way. I managed to get past it and include someone who has this mentality so that I could sync with them, by asking their daughter over telepathy (because she's just there and expects to be there, I don't mind, but if I did... I guess I wouldn't mind because this is some kind of mindcontrol ?? Maybe this is the reason people get in trouble? Being several layers away socially and then being insensitive enough to step in the way of what someone with this mentality wants? That would be directly lethal I think, from the energy alone.).