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Breaking the influence of white fungus aliens

There were a lot of them, completely rabid and impossible to reason with, once I started analyzing the situation. They're interfering from other planes, upholding the situation in Ukraine by manipulating NPCs with massive astral material force.

After recent events I decided that this is enough, no more half-hearted treatment for them. They will now be eradicated to the very last one of them. I set out to create a cyborg model which is the natural enemy of white mushrooms of the non-immortal version. Then I bought a ship blueprint from the federation market and a wreck with an intact frame to build on, and renovated a "clog" type ship to use for this task. It is a model with a very strong frame and tough frontal armour.

When the ship was done and ready to leave the hangar, two of the staff at the platform came to cheer on us, and they brought a fruit cake to celebrate, because they rarely see someone renovate ships. It ended with two red cat ladies wanting to join us on the mission.

We began by training the ship AI to deal with incoming hostiles, then moved to tougher areas successively, until we reached the "stream" where they are interfering. Then we "dug in" to block them from accessing the Earth proximity.

We used an old method of balancing the ship's performance by going out to stand on the backside with rifles to pick off anyone coming from behind. These old ship models only shoot effectively in the front half radius and will pivot to shoot behind. To save fuel it then became a routine to have someone stand on the ship to shoot down attackers from the back to prevent the ship from pivoting too much. We did this just to follow the old method, even if we don't actually needed to save fuel, because it's considered a traditional skill in the federation, and sometimes it's needed when entering older timelines.