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Had a dream which seemed like a reflection of the Earth persona.

It was the bleak external version of myself that other people wanted me to be, someone with no opinions who just go along with things. I was partially in first person view with him, going through a store and taking a package of 3 vacuum packed meat slices and telling the owner "I'll pay them later" as he walked by the register. The security gates were open and no one objected. The 3 thick, round slices seemed to symbolize 3 coming years.

He then went to check the balance of his debit card at a metal box placed on the pavement, it had no screen and only gave out a paper slip. Some "teen gang" members stood way too close and looked at the slip, then let him go when they saw there weren't much money on the card.

Following scenes were instead directly related to me here. I was told to "hold this girl" and a small girl with dark hair who looked kind of "dirty" or "trashy" was put before me. We were on a pavement with asphalt. I grabbed her, and she stared at me, seeming obsessed.

There was an energetic "bang" sound and someone yelled "got you" in the distance, then a concrete building structure was shown. It looked like a T shaped tower or maybe like a hammer standing up on its handle. There were lights on in the windows, but when the bang was heard, the lights went out. It felt like a tower overlooking a mining operation.

I was unsure of the intentions of the girl or if she was a fake image, but investigation showed it's the soul of a previous co-worker (no way to recognize her because she was around 45 when I knew her).

Not sure what the tower was or the bang, although it felt in the dream logic like the girl was a decoy or trap meant to make me reveal myself. The bang felt more like the energy levelling out as I touched her.