> What is racism?
It is here used in the common understanding of "the belief that there are distinct races where certain races are better than other races, and that if you belong to a "better race" you have a God-given right to abuse other races as you see fit".
It is not implying merely "the belief that races exist", as some extreme "anti-racists" want it to be.
The view needed to remain in the Genso-timeline or federation timeline is that "there are distinct races which can be categorized, they have different features and all belong to the same genetic structure of their species or genetic type, as such, they have their unique roles in the cosmic evolution and everyone has the right to exist within their own planes and spheres of existence".
This is not "anti-racism", it's just making sure all life forms can evolve freely without impairing the evolution of other life forms. In the end this is an economic theory within the federation because the macro-view shows that it's more beneficial to let things grow on their own. Interference has never lead to better results on a racial-genetic scale.