Is it still bad if you dont have the abuse part? Could a silver race for example consider themselves superior to a white fungus.(the look the same but one isnt as resilient as the other).

I agree with the general federation view with the addenum that i think its better to give a race their own planet.1 society housing races with differing capabilities seems to always lead to resentment as the society if fair will have 1 race (the one that thrives more naturally within it) getting better results.

This could probaly work in gensyokyo since the new races all have a baseline capability which is likely above what is there now. Also with all of them being made at the same time you can make it so they fit together. But currently i dont think the people of earth,even with the flaws such as fungus and such fixed really can get along. Even without globohomo meddling. Its always gonna be considered unfair if one people genuinely does better along their own than others. The only truly succesful way to sidestep this is the china model where its explicitely about 1 group of people and making the society work based on the mindset that comes naturally to the people. All the other solutions require people to hold a tense unnatural mindset which doesnt lead much real "peace" (in the sense that the people are actually at peace in themselves.)