
Individual humanoid races in various dimensions of strong influence could be categorized as (in no particular order)

Angels/silver race/Pleiadan/vampire
Nomor (skinwalkers, the "Predator" race from the movies)
Beast races: anything with fur, ranging from cat-fox-dog-hyena-bear-rabbit to any lesser known types of features
Orc derived races: "africans", white demons, golden race

These make of a graph which looks like a scythe when plotting them in according to a common view based on their genetic placement over time as a 5D form, which is used to also place different races in the system based on their preferred "magic tool". The federation as we know uses the hammer and sickle, where the sickle is a more curved scythe with a shorter handle, and the hammer has the blade replaced with a block of iron. Angels use swords which are straight, djinn use swords which are curved inwards which are also closer to the scythe form. Having a racial "tool" similar to the scythe makes one more "mainstream" compare to greater deviations.