> The angel i was supposed to be for example was obscure
Which one you are? 
Also you are not necessary "that angel" but related to their "angelic current/order". Hard to explain but there are many orders and dominions and a single name is usually a "representative" and not a singular being.

> Pleiadans live or die through their ability to channel angels
You always had quite negative view of them. I am still unsure about the scope of that race. There are not just "angels" they can channel but sort of hyperenergies of existence but... yes you can describe them as angels too so whatever.
> those are the genocidal maniacs who'll set someone on the negative path.
Supposedly there is the "eraser" or the "eradicator" class. "Genocide" implies that there might be survivors. When the order is given to "erase" they get removed so well it's like they never existed. When all energies and karma is returned. No reward no glory no feelings. You did nothing they returned to their place... That is only permissible at extremely "no return" cases and fucking it up in any way results in the worst chaos ever. The goal is there to "remove pain" and not to increase it with incompetence. You cannot even call it "no witnesses" because not a single energy of existence will "remember" it. I am still unsure of the implication of that past. The only reason I know of it because of some intuitive combat skills that "signify some implications".
But my own silver DNA only grants me the ability to channel my own abilities better. Working with some angels hardens my meridians. Just found out why today. Some beings that l@rped as "vital functions" of my body started to perish and they made my neck and other body parts tense as hell. Finally figured out how to eject the "poison of the mind" and these parasites. Made me realize I am only retaining the mindset I had as a child and everything else is what I "learned" how to "be a human" in the current society. Why can't humans exist without hate and malice... Oh rith Kali Yuuga lol