> i met him seems like a effimate almost gay man
Wanted to say maybe he is like Apollo who is a man but has an extremely good internal femininity and a way with "female sciences" like arts and oracles but
> He looks and acts exactly like "earthling ed"
Googled him because I never heard of him and yeah he really looks gay and I am unsure what qualities someone with these archetypal appearances can hold.
> There probably is no door given what they say abiut the angel
And true there is "No door" they let the wall turn into a hologram and you can pass through. Yupp fallen angle vibes and I can understand why you called him gay.
> i heard people say he is respoonsible for gayness and globohomo
I think that's a stretch but whatever. I liked how in Good Omens Crowley just claimed he is responsible for both world wars and other catastrophes because no one cared enough to confirm while it was the humans by themselves. Rumors are usually just rumors. Most they can give is an "impression" and not truth.
> like it was just nasty to me
I too hated it since my childhood.
> Only being "sane" cause im a human
Yeah I too found weird ways to be able to unplug myself from angelic influences. Like Japanese hentai games instantly make me sober. I don't even need to play the game (they are real meh tbh) just go into the mindset. It's not just a "Lust desire" but an art that is only possible in our current and short time/mindframe and eternal energies cannot conceive a workaround it this fast. Funny how it works and there are many ways we are shielded from higher and lower energies this way
> and even then perhaps only in certain lifetimes
Yes the environment always changes and the hold of external entities upon it changes with it. Not just their "strength" but the way they operate also while on a grand scheme it might look business as usual.