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Current events
It seems the state of Israel is a manifestation of the qliphoth which encases and conceals Geburah, the power of fire and love. This serves the purpose of the shell of a large cosmic egg. In the negative timeline, the eggshell breaking will manifest as Israel being nuked by Iran proxies who somehow smuggled a bomb into its mid. This releases fire onto the Earth and ignites WW3. The logic behind this is not the same as what it seems: the collective west after WW2 has used "protecting Israel" as the argument for their moral superiority. Israel is their scapegoat. When losing their scapegoat, they are stripped bare, all of their war crimes are now indefensible.
Unable to deal with this, they will pull the same argument one last time, despite it being too late, calling for the collective destruction of all enemies of the no longer existing Israel.
In the positive timeline the shell cracks and Geburah unleashes love onto the Earth. This cracking is taking the form of orthodox Jews refusing to join the IDF, causing a crack in the leadership. This is happening right now. This is the safe option.