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thumbnail of Nephilim.png
Nephilim png
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thumbnail of glow.png
thumbnail of glow.png
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Did you look into the Book of Enoch to find out more on the context? From a surface view, the fallen angels physically mated with humans which lead to the creation of the nephilim.

Take note of the mention of Cain here. But Cain was never a Pleiadan, "his" body is still of the original Earth human race, a female with six tits. They were created in a fixed number of something like 280 and referred to by their number as their name, from what I understand. I don't know what Cain's number would be, but this makes me recall something from Final Fantasy VII where kabbalistic symbolism is everywhere (Sephiroth being the antagonist along with the alien JENOVA).
If I recall correctly, the genetically engineered "soldiers" out of which the mc Cloud was one, were all numbered. Arts tend to often by unintentionally channelled information and even more so in Japanese media for some reason, so I think there may be some connection here.

> pics
Also wtf, this game is from 1998 and the Shinra operatives "glow", I remember this now, there is a scene where Tifa or someone looks into Cloud's eyes and says that she can see them glow.

Why are memes like this.