Thanks for sharing the name.
> so it is interesting you perceived a wall
And after you replied yesterday the wall became like a hologram. It sorta "accepted me". Years ago I usually had to break them or rip them apart for entrance to "sync" but nowadays I just perceive it and the other side can decide if they want to interact with me or not. If I can "see the wall" usually it means they can also detect me to some degree then decide if they want something. Managed to start an interaction but I am starting to see "which side we are on" and I have some things I have to reconcile within myself to not get overtaken by absolute rage
> Yeah,gadreel taught cosmetics and arts of war
Especially this part. Seems like he was part of the entities that manufactured the "Age of Conquest". Think of it like Alexander the Great and others skirmishing and conquering as much land as they can see. The problem comes from the fact that there was an energetic stagnation of the people and the land that "war" became a well thought out solution to solve it. Humans didn't have "real predators" anymore and there had to be a way to make them stronger and let them find a way to cull themselves. Before the age of conquest humans were one with nature and the divine. After the cities and it's people started to lose their connection with both they formed into "3 castes". The "working ants" that made the civilization into the civilization. There was no real problem with them but they made such a surplus of food and population and had no "vision" besides working and working they started to generate useless people who just mooched off the system or became downright diseased degenerates. This had to be solved because humans who were not builders or soil tillers had to find a way to "train their qualities" or the whole population will degrade and fall to ill. So it was conquest. Men had to train become stronger and either seek out new lands to conquer or if they had it "too good" then defend their own from invaders. This method "somewhat" preserved the population. I have such a turbulent past life memory from that age that I still have to put it together. He somewhat wants me to accept a "beauty" in war but for me it is always a "necessity" and not a "method" but our perspectives differ because while I lived in those ages with my skin and bones on the soil with or without weapons he could stay as a "descended overseer" and direct the bloodthirsty fools into their demise. He carries a mindset that makes me clutch my swords because it's a terrible truth that cannot even be considered as a "real solution" but in the "Kali Yuuga" trying anything more complex is almost laughable. It's hard to be a "true visionary" in an age where "everything is karma".