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>>/8721/ > Did you learn to achieve a sort of "control" or "fusion" where you are extremely aware and in control but your mind and body feels "expanded"? well, in regards to them occasionally taking control and talking using my body i feel less of a pull and more of going with the "flow" where im a bit more aware of certain things Good thing you are a weeb because >that gives you references how "fusions" work. You have to acknowledge that you are not going into the "Backseat" but somewhat "Become one" then "become even more". i was a waiting until my head was more collected to talk about i guess its good enough for now. yesterday, while napping. i saw her/other me and 2 other girls (i cant remember if it was my sisters or the others affiliated with them) all 3 tackled me down and smiled, i did initially resist but i just accepted it. we all fused together and the result was initially some weird flesh mech thing where the body was mostly female and human but giant but around the shoulders... there was a male face on two sides, i think it was the face of my current human form. I recall my thoughts and self being assimimilated/fused and my mind being silent but started thinking her thoughts(?) the fusion was initially incomplete but i was ejected by the giant mass but my form was my original female form. Also it appears my "default/true" form really is based off of lion king artoria but with purple/scarlet eyes instead of green. because when i got ejected from that giant mass, it was the form i had, i vaguely had other memories of my current self but didnt remember anything apart from my sisters and that one friend who kinda helped me reconnect with my sister over the years (who's also a master of sorts to me). i recall others calling my name but i felt nothing from it. I really liked how in Ninja Slayer the Ninja soul overtakes him as a last result because he disobeys it and it becomes monstrous but then realizes that they can and should work together for a "greater way" then the true form of Ninja Slayer appears. I should rewatch that. YEART > What color was it? various colors. One what was purple/magenta, one green, another red, etc. You are a "priestess" to some degree remember? Ah right, i keep forgetting about that > You are gaining access to soul currents where you can "activate their dormant energies" it seems. If you are willing to tell more I might be able to give a better explanation what is happening but I am not sure if it's necessary. it may not be necessary but i don't mind talking about it and i kinda need to get it off my chest anyways. as far as the "training" i saw my sisters and that one man i told you about before who aids them. they were showing me how to draw out that colored energy and absorb(?) it. at first it like different colored fire before it being a energy beam/flow proper. I absorb it and its supposed to help "restore me to what i was and awaken my true self and powers". it did immensely help the people i absorbed it from but some, i think it poisoned them. the way they had me do this almost as if i had to move around and execute moves like an assassin when they sneak in and perform a kill. I dont recall anyone dying atleast. the man, after a while tested me to see if i can siphon his energy. after some running (on my end) i managed to siphon a little and get away, he found but took me with him. i guess he and my sisters were proud of me(?)