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This thread is such a drama club.

But that's vampire life, so let's not back off from it.

I seem to have been able to do what I wanted to do; to activate my new incarnation without having to place my full weight there in a way that I lose my awareness of past lives (the now) and get stuck in the surface mind. I wanted to be able to do it like possessing demons do it: enter at will and then take a stroll on the astral while the body and mind still works on auto if I feel like it.

Of course, as I realized, the only way to get the full vampire experience is to join vampire society. (duh) But how does one do that, when Pleiadan DNA of high concentration is needed, and one needs still to attract the attention of a vampire mentor willing to introduce one into the society. The original path sort of fizzled out when they left for the astral.

There is that guy Grove Anon on /x/ who seems to actually have connected with some part of it, but as a human with no real intention of going further. Mentioning for context of what is happening.

I know eyes are watching here.

There is another way, but this is only for those (you know who you are) who had a real want for this originally. As it is, humans have multiple souls. Vampires only have one. Some of the decent souls left the bodies after receiving the magic, because they had no will to stay in the physical, leaving rotten souls in their bodies. Those came back here and started drama.

There may be one or two left who are still interested, that's what this post is about. Interested in a very narrow sense, that is.

The path in, means to be incarnated physically in the Famida family. This means exactly what it sounds like, so you realize that you really have to want this strongly enough that this is your choice of path forward. It means living in the US, in a major city, in the middle but in secret, surrounded by the drama this is enshrouded in, with our tiktok vampire as the grandmother. Few people like her, many are annoyed by her, some openly scheme against her. But we're still talking about someone who now constitutes an elder in terms of age.

You have to be clear on what you want here, and accept the context for what it is. You can be man or woman, you cannot choose your parents, but you can know the context overall. You need to express your wish strongly enough that it's visible for the person who will birth you. It will be supernormal, more than normal, because vampires don't normally have kids.

But that is the deal, and the narrow path in.