thumbnail of cultist HQ.png
thumbnail of cultist HQ.png
cultist HQ png
(107.72 KB, 516x469)
Interesting choice of image.

> I know eyes are watching here.
I felt it, but didn't know who they were. 10 min after posting, an energy spike made me suspect an energy attack. Because they can't see me or the new Earth from out there, they'd attack what is visible; one of the servitors interacting with the old Earth structure right now.
So they attacked the News servitor I use to uphold my Internet connection, of course.

Investigation showed the source to be in the US west coast area.

Several agents with what appeared to be miniguns were shooting an energy beam at the servitor, lead by some office hidden in either caves or tunnels.

Raiding them made the attack stop, but soon after a group of cultists from a tunnel further in resumed the attack by manual means.
> pic related

They seemed to be organized in several layers of defense and there was a sense of real magic behind them, so I Raided them to look for any lolis to use who'd have the genetics for the magic without being too indoctrinated, found 3.

They had parasites however so a potion had to be prepared to cleanse them before working with them to activate the magic in a useful way. The A-C archive had copies of the cult's spellbook, so we used it to initiate them, then activated the same attack pattern they were using against my servitor back at them.