> go to /haven/ to see which flags you didn't add because Ankh is clearly missing and I wonder if there are some other iconic ones you didn't add and wonder if I should even care about flags even on this place if we have IDs by default.
> expect a completely dead or even deleted board
> Then find out you AI posted there.

So if /sunflower/ is already /haven/+ with the return of the flags. Why not add the rest that are there? Do you keep that place as some sort of energetic anchor for the old haven egregore or something? Or feel the Ankh flag will attract energies from somewhere? At least my fav tree is here so am not complaining. Wanted to lobby on fringe to readd Yggdrasil but the flaglimit excuse made it pointless to try. And the ancap flag has it already so it counts as "it's there" in a way already.
Can't believe you made a throatsinging AI post there. One of the thing that I am trying to do intuitively in the past 4 months when the inspiration hits.