> only to find it to be genetic engineering and not at all God.
Yes. This is what I found also. Genetics also contain a "source code" and all their "Intention and purposes" and it was like it was made by scientists and not by "God" at all. Felt like I am following the reasoning of an ethical scientist who is not willing to create such an abomination and call that "life" and someone who is like the "devil's advocate" who is explaining it to the other person why it's necessary otherwise "the project will fall and you know what they do to failures". Then there were sentiments like 
> Are we even being watched/judged anymore
and the answer was a sort of 
> which answer terrifies you more?
It was like they didn't even know what they are doing anymore but they had to do it but you felt a lingering nefariousness once they agreed that "they will do it" like they weren't the same beings on that level anymore.

This was not RVing from me. This is the sort of "Origin energy divination" that I am practicing in some cases. Going through the infinite chain of cause and effect to find something that requires the current development of my path. This was a sort of quest to know how much genetic code is in the body that "supports" ascension like a built in feature how much got corrupted beyond recovery and how much I can alter without consequences or "care" from other forces of existence. Found out what I am doing is not just permitted but supported. And this was before you started to talk about the Earth Mothers. There are extreme amount of groups engineering the next "divine instrument" DNA because whoever does it gets quite the benefits (as you mentioned with the djinn DNA b4) for doing it but most do it for the challenge. Ofc I am still not "engineering" the DNA because I still didn't unlock most of it's useful secrets at all. Learning that I have a silver race DNA and the reason why it was activated when starting to get involved with vampire threads because they are the same was quite the surprise. Digging through these layers of truth is too weird and surprising and I am quite unsure how to even talk about them anymore. Especially once it goes beyond the physical and everything is some symbolic metaphysical mystery which describes anatomical functions so well the understanding was used for thousands of years EXCEPT IN THE CURRENT FUCKING MEDICAL UNDERSTANDING AND RELATING TO IT IS HARD BECAUSE MY BRAIN CANNOT DECIDE WHICH UNDERSTANDING TO EVEN USE. Fucking 2 hemispheres. Wiring it constantly then feeling all the burden and poison of the mind which were undetected for me for decades because it was dumped into the "subconscious" like Freud said because the recycling system is not working as intended in the past 2-4 thousand years. The human body I swear. One day I feel like a god the next day as a wretch as the energies recirculate and realign themselves then find an equilibrium then slowly guiding me towards the next stage but I have to face all the poison and burden that blocks the access first. Good thing I am bored enough in my current incarnation to do shit like this.