> I think there is a perspective to understand here 

Yeah I got that perspective. I had bunch of chains coming from this world and if I wanted to advance I had to break them. It had a bunch of "buddha" like entities. I started to talk to them. I even asked if it's a problem that I got here. They told me
> no this is your great achievement
I was sitting there with my usual it's great that it doesn't feel like one. (yesterday I highlighted every "gong" word in Zhuan Falun to have an idea what that is and read the story of the Buddha who fell out Arhat twice because once he was too happy then he was too worried and I understood why this mindset of mine was perfect)
I asked the "buddha" about past lives and he said he had many and he will have many more when the time comes. To be able to go up in that realm I had to destroy multiple chains that were "anchored" by small dark people. 
I realized I do not care about past lives anymore. I was sitting there and asked "What's next"
The "buddha" pointed up and said
> that place is the beginning of your destiny
I was sitting there with a ... really now... attitude and said fine... let's check it out. I started to fly there and multiple hands pointed to the location I had to go. When I got there it was like a house made of clouds with a baby in there. I knew it I probably need to connect with that baby so I did that. I was in an other realm instantly. Above the clouds and had a feeling of being above "time and space" In the great distance there was a giant dark entity not hostile. Guess he is destiny then or something I thought. I asked him if there's anything I have to do. He said no. So I can do whatever? he said yes. I thought that's a great destiny right here... I asked him "what's next then".
This triggered my understanding.
He started to break apart and started emitting white light that my body absorbed and pointed to a new place "down here".
I said no. Enough progression for today. I will continue this tomorrow. I need sleep.
I even had a dream where I was talking with people. I started to hear their thoughts. But those weren't theirs. Those were mine but in their head. This made me understand "gong". Like how it has an energy signature so it "comes back to you" and how it can merely just "suppress" illness and not cure it. This made me realize that the way I am breaking karma is the way I just need to perfect it a little. Notice karma. Break it. Let the essence which is "yours" immediately separate from it. Take it back into your body. And let the rest go wherever it needs be. The way Clippy explained karma makes even more sense now. Karma is the exchange of energies between 2 things. They are "attachements". A new form of energy created by bonding and separating "bad" energies together. I was finally aware of every connection to outsider forces I made "deals" with. This is what ancap meant by saying. "He broke off every contract with every being" 
I had the feeling that I am not "indebted to this world anymore" 
Today was about understanding how the red spike must be always "pushed aside" by the white spike or your aggression levels become hard to control. No wonder the "daft lady" attacks everyone on the astral.