Then I went back and took all the energy "destiny" had for me and sent the remaining to whoever I borrowed from and went to the new realm. 
There was a fat buddha sitting there and when he noticed me he instantly grabbed a dagger and stabbed someone behind me. He was a "saint". A zombie that looked like those old unkept paintings in catholic churches while having a yellow artificial halo. Looked similar to the black sun but it wasn't the sun just the way the shapes looked. Interesting but unimportant. The realm was a large forest with water and when I asked the buddha where to go he showed me the way but I noticed I am going in circles. I stopped because I figured out here comes the "realization" part. I started to ask the fat buddha. 
> is the power in the "saint"
> no. ignore him
> is the power in you 
> no 
> is the power in me
> yes
> ...
> you represent my body huh
> yes
> I am not in this of a bad shape you know...
> yes but otherwise you wouldn't have figured this out... 
Then he turned into a muscular more fit version. Then opened a gate above me and told me I need to "grow" into that. That is the mind.
> should I start doing that?
> I recommend a minimal amount of yoga
> minimal amount?
> yes your body will adapt to the changes but you need to have a proper posture or it will get violent.
> is this kundalini
> no kundalini is just the spine. >This will be the whole body filling up with energy
> how dangerous will this be 
> your worries are your greatest danger so far
> ...

So I did a half lotus. I let the energy rise. When I reached the mind level I realized I need to go "above" my body because "we are not our body" and as the white spike got longer and thinner while breaking through many things. I realized I am not progressing further so I asked Shiva what am I missing he told me angrily. 
I realized the weight of this. Not just the things in my body but... All my spells all my artifacts... even the planetary bodies... They  are full off attachments. They have my energy and I have theirs. I realized I can remake them later so whatever but... That is also and attachment. "wanting". Whatever destroyed a lot of things. Got images I am not even sure the origins of. I figured out the new "poor man's yoga" aka being in bed and being a restless sleeper so as you turn around in bed half asleep with the shittiest poses you find your "attachments" as you get muscle cramps and the alike. But yeah. 
This is where the intricacy of the path begins