A few things in the past day or so I guess
> Be a woman and was with some stray child, apparently everywhere was being overran with zombies or some weird demons (?) ala resident evil 
> See lots of people get mauled and eviscerated 
> The girl stumble into a hospital, I had to find and while I did we ran into man standing in front of a bed ridden woman but there was fire and alot of other creatures 
> For some reason the fire and other things weren't moving and were completely frozen in place almost as if time was stopped
> Many things later time was "restored" but the fire became an explosion(?) and cut the bed ridden woman in two and the man was coming across the room to where we were standing
> The guy told us to get away and do something (I can't remember what that something was) and he started melting/dissolving
> We escaped the hospital but then immediately I "returned" to a class being taught by a witch(?), she was teaching me various things and I saw random flashes of things 
I still need to meditate on it but I have a feeling either I either learned/recovered some other ability or it's another manifestation pf the soul power you mentioned before